Florian Gollnow

Florian Gollnow

Data Scientist


I am interested in the impact of environmental policies on nature conservation, agricultural development, and livelihoods. Currently, I investigate the effects of corporate zero-deforestation supply chain commitments in the Brazilian soybean sector. With this work, I contribute to a more precise understanding of current initiatives for forest conservation, and the development of more effective policies to reduce tropical deforestation. In my work, I apply spatial analysis, econometric modeling, and statistics to analyze large spatial and temporal datasets.

I joined Trase as a data scientist at SEI HQ in Stockholm in 2023. At Trase I am supporting the Spatial Intelligence and data team. Prior to joining Trase, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Cambridge evaluating impacts of environmental policies on conservation, agricultural development, and livelihoods using econometric and statistical analysis of large spatial and temporal dataset. I hold a PhD in Geography from Humboldt-University of Berlin (PhD, 2018). Before joining Trase, I worked at [University of Maryland] (2018-2020), Boston University (2020-2022), ETH Zurich (2022), and University of Cambridge (2022-2023).

Download my CV .

  • Land system science
  • Environmental policy
  • Zero-deforestation supply-chain commitments
  • Food security
  • Impact assessments
  • R, Google Earth Engine, Python, QGIS, ArcGIS
  • PhD Geography, 2018

    Humboldt-University Berlin

  • Dipl. Geography, 2012

    Humboldt-University Berlin

All Publications

(2024). Georgia's potentials for sustainable intensification, increasing food security and rural incomes. In Environ. Res. Food Syst.

Project DOI

(2024). What is still at stake in the Gran Chaco? Social-ecological impacts of alternative land-system futures in a global deforestation hotspot.. In ERL.

Project DOI

(2024). Exploring natural and social drivers of forest degradation in post-Soviet Georgia. In Global Environmental Change.

Project DOI

(2022). Leakage does not fully offset soy supply chain efforts to reduce deforestation in Brazil. In NCC.

Project DOI

(2021). Key challenges for land use planning strategies and their environmental assessments in the Abuja city-region, Nigeria. In Land.

Project DOI

(2021). Have food supply chain policies improved forest conservation and rural livelihoods? A systematic review. In ERL.

Project DOI

(2021). Enhancing synergies for effective large-scale forest restoration in Mato Grosso, Brazilian Amazon. In From deforestation to forest recovery - perspectives for the Amazon under the rule of the Brazilian Forest Code.

Project DOI

(2021). Land tenure diversity and forest cover change in a deforestation frontier.. In From deforestation to forest recovery - perspectives for the Amazon under the rule of the Brazilian Forest Code.

Project DOI

(2020). Simulating Urban Land Expansion in the Context of Land Use Planning in the Abuja City-Region, Nigeria. In GeoJournal.

Project DOI

(2019). Regrowing forests contribution to law compliance and carbon storage in private properties of the Brazilian Amazon. In Land Use Policy.

Project DOI

(2019). Land Cover Change in the Abuja City-Region, Nigeria - Integrating GIS and Remotely Sensed Data to Support Land Use Planning. In Sustainability.

Project DOI

(2019). Synthesizing dam-induced land system change. In Ambio.


(2018). Property-level direct and indirect deforestation for soybean production in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso, Brazil. In LUP.


(2018). Spatial dimensions of recreational ecosystem service values - A review of meta-analyses and a combination of meta-analytic value-transfer and GIS. In ES.


(2017). A model-based assessment of the environmental impact of land-use change across scales in Southern Amazonia. In REC.


(2017). Inter- and transdisciplinary scenario construction to explore future land-use options in southern Amazonia. In Ecology and Society.


(2017). Scenarios of land-use change in a deforestation corridor in the Brazilian Amazon - combining two scales of analysis. In REC.


(2017). Scenarios of land-use change in a deforestation corridor in the Brazilian Amazon - combining two scales of analysis. In REC.


(2016). Forest Degradation Associated with Logging Frontier Expansion in the Amazon - The BR-163 Region in Southwestern Pará, Brazil. In Earth Interactions.

Project DOI

(2016). Forest Degradation Associated with Logging Frontier Expansion in the Amazon - The BR-163 Region in Southwestern Pará, Brazil. In Earth Interactions.

Project DOI


Data Scientist
Aug 2023 – Present Sweden
Developing methods to assess the impact of agricultural commodities and leading Trase’s component on corporate sustainability
Postdoctoral Researcher
Nov 2022 – Aug 2023 United Kingdom
Tradeoffs and spillovers of forest-focused soy supply chain governance in Brazil (UKRI GCRF Trade Hub), Land use change and carbon cycles in the Caucasus (Funded by NASA)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jun 2020 – Aug 2022 Switzerland
Companies zero-deforestation commitments in food commodities (Funded by NSF), Land use change and carbon cycles in the Caucasus (Funded by NASA)
Postdoctoral Researcher
May 2018 – May 2020 USA
Evaluating companies zero-deforestation commitments in food commodities (Funded by NSF)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Oct 2017 – Mar 2018 Germany
Land-prices and agricultural change in Brandenburg, Germany (Funded by DFG)
Guest Lecturer & Guest Researcher
Mar 2017 – Sep 2017 Germany
Head of the Applied Geoinformation Science Lab
Research Associate
Nov 2016 – Dec 2016 Germany
Land-prices and agricultural change in Brandenburg, Germany (Funded by DFG)
Research Associate
Nov 2010 – Aug 2016 Germany
Evaluating land use displacement and land use change in Southern Amazonia (Funded by BMBF)