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(2024). Exploring natural and social drivers of forest degradation in post-Soviet Georgia. In Global Environmental Change.

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(2022). Leakage does not fully offset soy supply chain efforts to reduce deforestation in Brazil. In NCC.

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(2021). Key challenges for land use planning strategies and their environmental assessments in the Abuja city-region, Nigeria. In Land.

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(2021). Have food supply chain policies improved forest conservation and rural livelihoods? A systematic review. In ERL.

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(2021). Land tenure diversity and forest cover change in a deforestation frontier.. In From deforestation to forest recovery - perspectives for the Amazon under the rule of the Brazilian Forest Code.

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(2021). Enhancing synergies for effective large-scale forest restoration in Mato Grosso, Brazilian Amazon. In From deforestation to forest recovery - perspectives for the Amazon under the rule of the Brazilian Forest Code.

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(2020). Simulating Urban Land Expansion in the Context of Land Use Planning in the Abuja City-Region, Nigeria. In GeoJournal.

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(2019). Regrowing forests contribution to law compliance and carbon storage in private properties of the Brazilian Amazon. In Land Use Policy.

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(2019). Land Cover Change in the Abuja City-Region, Nigeria - Integrating GIS and Remotely Sensed Data to Support Land Use Planning. In Sustainability.

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(2018). Property-level direct and indirect deforestation for soybean production in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso, Brazil. In LUP.


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(2016). Forest Degradation Associated with Logging Frontier Expansion in the Amazon - The BR-163 Region in Southwestern Pará, Brazil. In Earth Interactions.

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